Selenium With Java and Python For Mobile Apps & Web Apps......!

Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Selenium Web Driver Setup With Java.........

To setup selenium webdriver, you should have following…
  1. Selenium webdriver Bindings ( in our case we will required Java bindings)
  2. JRE/JDK – java Runtime/Development environment,
  3. IDE – we will use Eclipse
Following steps will guide you setup selenium webdriver.
1. download all required software and bindings
 Selenium Webdriver bindings : Link :  : select the latest binding for java in “Selenium Client & WebDriver Language Bindings” section. and extract the zip file
Lesson 2 - selenium webdriver install

Download  and install JDK from
Download the Eclipse from
you don’t need to install Eclipse as it is dump, you just need to run the executable.
2. Setup the Java in Environmental variable :  follow the steps mentioned below to setup the JRE in environmental variable ( for Win 7).
  1. Click on Start button
  2. Right click on My Computer > select properties
  3. Select Advance System Properties, it will popup ” System properties”
  4. Click on “Environmental Variables…” button. it will pop up, dialog
  5. in “System variables” section, select “path” and click on “Edit” button. if Path variable is not defined then create new variable.
  6. Now in path, you have enter the JRE path. typically the path is “C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin”
  7. Save and Exit.
3. Configuring the Selenium Webdriver: now you have setup the JRE, next step to configure the Selenium Webdriver.
follow the steps:
  1. Run Eclipse
  2. select or put the workspace path ( it is the path where you want to create projects)
  3. Create JAVA project in Eclipse
  4. Go to File menu > Properties, it will launch properties dialog.
  5. Select the “Libraries” tab
  6. Click on “Add external Jar” button
  7. Now select the Selenium webdriver Jar files which you have extracted.
  8. Click on “OK” button
  9. you are done!!!
now you have configured the Selenium webdriver !



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